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Just like to get it painted now


Well-Known Member
I think there comes a time when I just say, I'd just like someone else to paint my car :shy. I'm having some health issues that are just eating me up! There's a paint/body place just around the corner from my subdivision, I thought I'd stop in and see what they'd charge to paint it the rest of the way or see if I even like the people. I did see them working on a '67 stang a while back. Just curious to what I would expect to pay~ If I were to finish the job, it wouldn't have been a professional job anyway, so I'm not expecting a sluggo paint job; just like it to look good. ONce painted, it wouldn't take long to get on the road and start getting the bugs out of it. It's kind of funny, but I look at my stang and wonder where all the money and time went~ just looks like a simple thing to work on, but I know better.

Ordinarily I would tell you a lot of shops would shy away from finishing up someone else's work...especially a novice. By the looks of things you need what, the doors, fenders hood and deck lid painted? If that is the case the concerns may not be a problem as these would be shot off the car anyway. This would relieve them of any warranty questions of your fault or theirs as they would be starting from "scratch". They may have some concern about color matching though.

For cost, too hard to say. Are the pieces straight and good to go? Different parts of the country vary widely. It also makes a big difference on how much work the shop has at the moment. I will tell you to not fall prey to the "If you're not in a big hurry we'll give you a discount" scenario. That's how car's end up in paint shop purgatory.
Thank you Horseplay,
I've taken in consideration of the "warranty". Some body parts still need work, right front fender in particular, mainly just getting them straight, no major work. I keep telling myself, I'll just wittle on it as my body allows me(long term project!) of which I've pretty much done over the past 2.5 years. Maybe If i just keep wittleing, I could complete it. I bought my paint from Eastwood, and single stage paint, and still have a gallon here. All underneath areas are painted, so mainly exterior is to be worked on. Maybe I'll get better and go slow~ and the heat doesn't help. I'll be back~

"Horseplay" said:
Ordinarily I would tell you a lot of shops would shy away from finishing up someone else's work...especially a novice. By the looks of things you need what, the doors, fenders hood and deck lid painted? If that is the case the concerns may not be a problem as these would be shot off the car anyway. This would relieve them of any warranty questions of your fault or theirs as they would be starting from "scratch". They may have some concern about color matching though.

For cost, too hard to say. Are the pieces straight and good to go? Different parts of the country vary widely. It also makes a big difference on how much work the shop has at the moment. I will tell you to not fall prey to the "If you're not in a big hurry we'll give you a discount" scenario. That's how car's end up in paint shop purgatory.
when I finally got around to looking for a painter, many shops wouldn't even talk to me since I did all the bodywork myself. I did finally find a shop but they were a little different than most. They are a Rod & Custom shop so they know car guys (& gals). Most just want to do insurance work. Anyway, You done such a nice job so far, hang in there. There is nothing saying you can't just bolt it together and drive in the mean time. I did with mine, even took it to a few car shows. I even recommend it since you know everything fits and get the hole drilled and whatever before painting.
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The body work is the great unknown here.... "still needs a little work" can mean many different things. If the fender is your biggest headache, have you thought about just buying a Ford tooling repop? It could save you a lot of time depending on the condition of your existing one.

Without seeing things first hand it's really difficult to nail down an answer for you, but it does't look like more than a couple weekends of work to me.... especially shooting a single stage. Your judgement thus far has been pretty good and I'm sure you'll make the decision that works best for you.
Thanks Dave, I take that as a compliment! I've already spent a great deal of time on the right front fender, and it still needs some tweaking, or massaging is the term? lol The fenders are just on by a couple bolts~ gives an illusion of completion for me. I guess I'll just pop some more tylenol and keep after it~ I have to say I'd be a little embarressed to go into a body shop asking for them to complete my work.
You're right Tarafied, I've thought about just bolting it up and at least I could drive it a little, then I can go get the registration tag! ok, I'll keep at it~ maybe by the time this heat wave passes my neck and back may get a little better.
the encouragement helps tremendously!
hope you get to feelin' better, I sure wouldn't be ashamed to drive that the way it is! Woman or man, doesn't matter, you have done a great job and should be proud. I think it's obvious it is a work in progress and will get a lot of positive attention and praise. Not just from us. You got skilz girl!!! (and good taste I might add, red coupe with black stripes, brilliant!)
"tarafied1" said:
hope you get to feelin' better, I sure wouldn't be ashamed to drive that the way it is! Woman or man, doesn't matter, you have done a great job and should be proud. I think it's obvious it is a work in progress and will get a lot of positive attention and praise. Not just from us. You got skilz girl!!! (and good taste I might add, red coupe with black stripes, brilliant!)


psst ..it's an orange. :craz

Heck Dne, I drive my ugly stang around town on occassion and yours still looks better than mine!
Thanks ya'll! a morning shot of encouragment really boosts my immune system thanks to my stangfix friends! Have a wonderful day! Now let's get back to work! :vic
"tarafied1" said:
okay but orange is a bad word around here so I prefer to think it's red

Orange is OK, its calling an obviously yellow car an orange car where we have problems....they know who they are....
Hope you get to feeling better soon.

We need to have Houston area GTG here pretty soon.

The boss is about ready to hit the road. Got a little 64 coupe coming in next, but you are welcome to swing by with your fender in tow and we can mud it up.
[quote author=Sluggo link=topic=8437.msg105313#msg105313 date=1281159236 Got a little 64 coupe coming in next

This is the worst fender

I posted this photo up above. The passenger fender is the worst, but like I said, I've done quite a lot of work to it already, just fine tuning it to where it's acceptable is what I'm working on. I'll get it done, maybe not as quickly and as well as you my dear Sluggo, but it'lll be ok.

Re: This is the worst fender

"Dne'" said:
maybe not as quickly and as well as you my dear Sluggo, but it'lll be ok.


LOL...... You are aware how long I've been doing the Boss.....
Re: This is the worst fender

I honestly don't see how you find time to do your Mustang art! I know you've been working on it for a while, but that's the difference between a novice and a Master, you work effieciently and with your knowledge and skills, whereas a novice like littel ole me fumbles along! Just makes me more aware of your excellent craftsmanship that I admire! ;)

"Sluggo" said:
LOL...... You are aware how long I've been doing the Boss.....