Well-Known Member
No I'm not Mork from Ork. That was Na Nu, Na Nu (I think). Anyway, stupid humor aside, my wife got a new knee. Doc didn't want to do it because she was "so young" in his opinion. But she has been in lots of pain and struggling with the day-to-day. Surgery was Wednesday and he said it went well. He admitted that he should have done it sooner, the knee was was much worse than all the scopes, MRI's and X-Rays had indicated. She had actually worn a crater between the weight bearing bones due to no cartiladge. So we got to come home yesterday. No way to get any rest in a Hospital! But now I am a nurse, physical therapist, cook and chief bottle washer. She has to exercise and keep the knee moving to prevent scar tissue from tightening up and causing the new knee to become stiff. She is doing well even with the pain. It was a full knee replacement so it was a big incision and she has lots of pain right now.