I've only used Nason Epoxy (Duponts lower line).. never had a problem with is and sands and scuffs easily if you are outside of the recoat window. On another forum there are some guys that bash the PPG DPLF claiming it's not durable. The say if you take a rug soaked with reducer it will wipe right off. I'm not sure what that really proves since it's not likely to happen in the real world. On the same forum another guy used DPLF on all his frame and chassis parts and it looks absolutely phenomenal. The only reason I use the Nason is because it is available at my local autobody / paint supplier and I've never been disappointed with it. I also buy it a quart at a time ($60 sprayable 1/2 Gallon - 1 part primer : 1 part activator). Unless you are blasting and priming in all one shot, the quarts work out well if you are going to take some time to get it all done.