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Purchasing Vs. Leasing

Johnny M

Active Member
Purchasing vs. Leasing


The math on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce is as follows:

After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.

Assuming he got it every night during their 5 year relationship it ended up costing him $26,849 per time.

This is Heather.



On the other hand, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's hooker, Kristen, an absolute stunner with a body like no other, charges $4,000 an hour. For anything!

This is Kristen.


Had Paul McCartney "employed" Kristen for 5 years,
he would have paid $7.3 million, for an hour of it every night, for 5 years - (a $41..7 million savings).

Value-added benefits are: a 22 year old hot babe with two legs, no begging, no coaxing, never a headache, plays all requests, no bitching and complaining or 'honey-do' lists. Best of all, she leaves when you're done, and comes back when asked. All at 1/7th the cost, and no legal fees.

Sometimes leasing just makes more sense.
I have never leased and do not plan on ever leasing, but you did make a good point. :lol fd
First purchase was a lemon and this was before the lemon laws. Second purchase was a good onr for sured....real keeper. However, I did some leasing of the Korean brands early in life. I must say, it was cheaper. You do have a good point......
Never leased, but now that I have paid the current purchase off and it is paying dividends, my cost basis is going down.

Still on Version 1.0.

SWMBO and I have Tshirts. Mine says Husband 1.0 and hers says wife 1.0 in a software type font. the guys in the computer store thought it was cool that they depicted marriage like software versions!

I went to vegas with a buddy in 81, I said if I won some money I was going to lease for some "oral" advice only, I won a couple hundred bucks so I figured it was "Gods" will! never leased again
I also got the Paul McCartney lease stats e-mail once, I never ran the numbers.
What about "free"...I did a lot of free playing in college.

Didn't pay for it but didn't buy it either...that's the best kind. Test drive it a few times and if you get bored with it you return it. Often the cost is minimal, at most diner or something along those lines.

When I get myself bailed out of the current poor purchase decision I won't be making that mistake again...just sayin...
I've been leasing off and on for the past 8 years or so since my divorce. I must a say the day lease has been a very gratifying, a lease lasting a few months is not bad either. I think the longer you lease though, there are those that will push for a purchase, you have to be careful with those. The day lease where at the end of the day you get to send the lease back home to its own garage is not a bad deal either, you have to be careful that the owner does not have GPS and can track you down though. Someday I may purchase again, but not anytime in the foreseeable future.
I leased a few models way back before I could afford to buy. I shopped around till I found exactly what I wanted. It was a relatively young...I mean new model, good drivetrain and an exceptional brain, errr... computer.

After owning for 21 years, I must say, this model must have been built on a Wednesday, nowhere near a holiday or sports finale since it has been trouble free and low maintenance!

The upside to owning this model is ever expanding and I can foresee absolutely NO problems down the road.
Eh, not into leasing. I've "borrowed" a few in my day though. Works out pretty well as long as the rightful owner doesn't find out.
I've thought about it some more and come to a conclusion...I need to become a rock star.

How many women did Gene Simmons of Kiss say he had been with?

Two of the guys in Motley Crew at one point had a contest to see who could go the longest without a bath and still score some groupie love.

Other than the fact I have exactly zero musical talent I think rock star would be a great plan, just sayin....

Ironically enough Paul McCartney was a star so why would he make a purchase or even lease for that matter? Guess he never heard the one about why buy the cow??
<I have removed my comment because I decided it was a terrible joke in poor taste. I apologize for saying it. I know this board is all about saying whatever without worrying, but I still would hate to offend anyone. Had I been thinking I never would have made this joke.>
dammit, I missed the good stuff again :rp

Don't feel bad Steve, you're not the only one to regret what was posted, then go back and edit/delete.
I personally did not think that it was that offensive. :fbomb If you really want to know pm me and I tell you. fd
&quot;Johnny M&quot; said:
I thought it was funny.

To be fair, I thought it was too...and still do, dammit. But I decided that my words might be hurtful to someone who happens to suffer from the affliction I was poking fun at. I thought how I'd feel if my daughter was like that, and I read that comment. I moved the personalization to my daughter because if it was ME and someone made that joke, I'd still think it was funny, but we're more defensive about our loved ones than our selves oftentimes.

I love being brutally cutting when I'm making fun of someone, but only when I KNOW they know it's in good natured jest, and I never like to be unkind.

For the record, since I'm an admin, let me categorically state, had someone ELSE made the joke, I would NEVER have touched it, and if someone HAD been offended, I'd tell them to get a thicker skin or stay out of the password boards. But since it was my joke, and my posts, I felt I had the right to change them. While I expect anyone who comes here to have a thick enough skin to take whatever we can dish out, I also have an expectation of myself to not make unkind jokes at the expense of those who might be hurt, ESPECIALLY if I didn't know they'd be hurt.

Johnny, humblest apologies for derailing your thread so completely.
