Well-Known Member
Another trip to the vet that i thought wasnt coming for a few more years. Our old cat Milo called it a day after 17 years and 4 months. We thought she was going to live forever, but i noticed on the weekend she couldnt shit, so off to the vet and a dose of painkillers and advice to take her home and keep an eye on her. Painkillers worked and she pushed out a turd and seemed quite happy. Got up yesterday and went downstairs and the smell of cats piss was overpowering. She had wandered around during the night and was dribbling pee as she went. When we mopped it up we noticed blood spots, so back to the vet who confirmed her kidneys were giving up. Eveeryone had said their goodbyes as we knew what was coming and we werent gonna make her suffer. So cheers Milo, old mate and enjoy your time in cat heaven eating ice cream and Vegemite to your hearts content.