Growing up, I never saw my dad miss a day of work. I saw him mash his big toe off with a 600 lb BOP flange, and be at work the next day. Then he got shingles. It wrapped around his torso, and came on quick. As it got increasingly worse, so did he, to the point the doctors said he was in the top 2% of the worst cases they'd ever seen. They gave him morphine and told him to take it as needed, because the level of shingles he had is the largest cause of suicide, and he'd be better off breaking the addiction than not taking the pills.
For 3 full months my dad laid in a recliner sleeping and having hallucinations from all the medication he was on. He was left with permanent damage done to his nervous system, which led to a interrupter being impalanted in his body. It's a box that has 12 wires running into his spinal cord that he controls with a remote, that is there to interrupt the permanent pain cause by the nerve damage. To this day, along with the interrupter, he wears lidocaine patches, and is on lyrica, and it's been 10 years. He's never been the same since his bout with shingles. It really weakened his body and immune system. I'd strongly advise the vaccination, if you qualify for it.
For 3 full months my dad laid in a recliner sleeping and having hallucinations from all the medication he was on. He was left with permanent damage done to his nervous system, which led to a interrupter being impalanted in his body. It's a box that has 12 wires running into his spinal cord that he controls with a remote, that is there to interrupt the permanent pain cause by the nerve damage. To this day, along with the interrupter, he wears lidocaine patches, and is on lyrica, and it's been 10 years. He's never been the same since his bout with shingles. It really weakened his body and immune system. I'd strongly advise the vaccination, if you qualify for it.