"RyanG85" said:On Tuesday, a housekeeper pulled out of her driveway in Harrison, N.Y., when the 2005 Prius shot across the street and smashed into a stone wall, ruining the front end.
"It's hard for us to determine whether it was a stuck accelerator or whether or not the vehicle accelerated for some other reason," Harrison Police Capt. Anthony Marracini told CBS News Station WCBS-TV in New York.
Further north, in Yarmouth, Mass., Anne Wilkins was behind the wheel of her Toyota Rav 4 when the SUV slammed into a medical building Tuesday. The accident happened after she brought the vehicle to her dealer in February to prevent its gas pedal from sticking, reports CBS News Station WBZ-TV in Boston. Local police plan to test the vehicle this weekend to determine whether Toyota's recall issues contributed to the crash.
This week's incidents add to others that have been reported since Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda apologized for his company's lapses in safety and told a congressional panel that his managers will drive cars under investigation to experience potential problems first hand.
If this was Buick and not Toyota it would be the perfect alibi for all those oldies that smash into store front windows!