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Car clubs?

"34isgreat" said:
I have to ask myself the question... why do I want to join a club, what am I looking for? What I want is to hang out with other car guys (or gals). Cruise ins, car shows and other car events. I do like the newer Mustangs I just would not go to a car show to look at any, it is not what I am interested in but I know others are. Many great points have been made here. What it boils down to is what is each person looking for. I want to hang out with other people who like what I like, looking at old cars, all kinds and conditions. If I join a club it will be one for old cars, I think it is cool the Norcal group gets together like they do, wonder if a group of Norcar Mustangers can do the same here in North Carolina.

Your in a great location on the east coast to get together with fellow board members. I think the closest person to me is in Rochester,NY and after that it might be closer to Syracuse. My opinion is if you can get your hands on or talk to a few club members to get a feel what the club does in the way of GTG's and cruise nights and things like dues it might make it a bit easier on your decision on which way you want to go.
Sorry, but I can find a 30 year old pile of crap in a barn, but its still a pile of crap. Just because someone left it there does not make it special in any way.

I just cannot call a guy with a late model Mustang (even a FOX),Camaro,Scion or Prius a "Car guy" just because he likes cars. If he was a "Car guy" he would at least be willing to own or have owned and work on a vintage car of some sort and know how it works intimately, even if its a rat rod. I know a bunch of so called "Car guys" that dont own a swivel head ratchet or torque wrench, much less the needed skills to use those "Special tools"..

Ill double down on that statement on the motorcycles. The guy with the newer GSXR has nothing on the guy thats rolling around on a perfect Kawasaki H2 or knucklehead. The only common denominator is the number of wheels, sidehacks not withstanding.

Saying classic cars,motorcycles or boats cost too much money is no excuse for poor taste. There is a vintage ride in everyones budget, just check out those Corvair owners!

If those guys with a 6 month old payment book want to have a club, thats cool & all but then why dont we just induct Justin Biber into the Rock & Roll hall of fame?

I aint hatin, I like those cars enough all right, I would love to have one to go to the store or work, but when a car show looks like the dealers lot, it may be time to find a new club. :shrug
I know I've shared some of my comments above already. But after reading some of the other replies I thought I'd add this in as food for though.

One point already mentioned is the fact that the Fox body cars and the Pinto chassis cars (Mustang II's) are now "vintage" due to their age. That's a fact that is indisputable, you can't turn back time. Hell, it's tough for me to think about that fact. The first brand new car I ever bought was an '86 GT. It pains me to now think of that car as a vintage car because I guess I'm now "antique"! YIKES!

I'm also the LAST person on earth you'll ever find owning a Mustang II. With that said, while I was at the MCA National show last year I ran across not one but TWO Mustang II's that were unbelievable! One I had seen at the MCA Grand Nationals in Augusta, Ga. a number of years back. In Jax I got to talk with the owner. A really great guy with a passionate love for his car, who had put tons of man hours into getting the car perfect! The other was an elderly couple that owned a styling exercise car that was purchased directly from Ford by the husband, who had been a Ford employee. The car had never made it to the general public. I truly enjoyed talking with them about their very unique ride. While in Birmingham for the 45th anniversary I got to see an '85 SVO that was PERFECT from top to bottom. I didn't like the SVO's when they were new, hence my GT purchase. However I was awestruck by the pristine state of this car though. When you factor in that this car was also almost 20 years old, that adds to what a true stand out this car was! None of these car types hold any interest for me in general. I quit easily could have glanced over and saw "nothing more" than some old Mustang II's or just "another" Fox body car and kept walking. These were some stand out examples that I was fortunate enough to get to enjoy because I kept an open mind.

Like it or not, THESE are the current "classics" as well. I'm not that thrilled seeing the Mustangs that are less then 10 years old at the shows, but if you look close at even those you can find some little thing that sparks a little interest in the most ardent die hard gearhead. You never know where a conversation (and/or friendship), can lead with the owners of those cars!
i've never been one for the clubs much. only been associated with two over the years. the first got aggravating after some of the members found out i built cars, so got really comfortable showing up at my house every sat morning with a list of stuff they wanted done on their cars. don't get me wrong, i'm sure there are a few here that will back me up that i love helping people out when i can, but this was different. if i needed help with something, they were nowhere to be found, but expected me to spend my saturdays on their stuff. it just got old...

the other club i joined when my dad wanted to, mainly to be able to do something together with him. the club didn't do anything. most contact you heard from them was when your $30 membership fee was due. they did have a christmas dinner each year of which the club paid $10 towards your tab... just never figured out where the other $20 went each year.... i blew that one off after a year.

may join another someday, but willdo alot of asking/investigating first..
I'm not a club fan. I seem to run into people that are more my speed at gas stations and unsanctioned cruise type events.
"Sluggo" said:
I'm not a club fan. I seem to run into people that are more my speed at gas stations and unsanctioned cruise type events.

dont forget strip joints & adult bookstores! just sayin'... :yah

thanks again for the help today!
I wish there were more small communities like us through out the country......well maybe not quite as crazy, but you know what i'm trying to say.

If I was to join a club I think it would be a multi brand club as long as I was convinced there were no obvious Ford haters amongst the group.

2-3 Mustangs in the group would be perfect.

TapaYakin' from my iPhone
I'd be very leery of joining any car club that would want or accept me in their club...
"cmayna" said:
I wish there were more small communities like us through out the country......well maybe not quite as crazy, but you know what i'm trying to say.

If I was to join a club I think it would be a multi brand club as long as I was convinced there were no obvious Ford haters amongst the group.

2-3 Mustangs in the group would be perfect.

TapaYakin' from my iPhone

best club i have belonged to was the ACES in SE Texas. All cars had to be 20 years old and original. You did't dare to breakdown on a cruse
Funny this should come up. I just relocated 150 miles from the Bay Area and I have decided to "hang out" with the local car crowd but not join a club again. Car clubs, like most other human endeavors, eventually become political in nature. It just can't be avoided. I belonged to a large Mustang club in the Bay Area that was VERY political. I, and several others, broke off and formed our own club that was low key and just devoted to the cars. I served as the second president for two years and as a board member over the last several years, but, eventually, the club started being more involved in going out to breakfast in their daily drivers than showing up at car events in their Mustangs. I got an e-mail the other day from them (because I'm still on distribution) indicating they were going to skip the annual shows of two larger area clubs and the MCA NorCal show to concentrate on social events. Had I not moved, I would have quit. My best club experience was with a mixed breed cruising group. You have to put up with the Chevy vs. Ford vs. Mopar crap, but everybody is a car guy and nobody's wife is operating a social tea group in the background. Besides, my fellow vintage Mustang guys get all appoplectic when you talk about e.t.s and trap speeds. They are afraid they might break the car. Oh my. Then you would have to dig up some of those rare Ford parts to repair the thing. The other advantage to mixed breed clubs is that you don't have to put up with guys with older models resenting guys with newer models (and vice versa), you don't have to put up with the 65/66 guys tolerating the 67/68 guys and barely recognizing the 69/70 guys and you don't have to go through the "mine is better than yours" discussions either. For some reason I can tolerate the "good natured" inter brand ragging in a mixed group, but the competition turns downright feline among owners of the same marque. Stay single!
"Coupe" said:
I just cannot call a guy with a late model Mustang (even a FOX),Camaro,Scion or Prius a "Car guy" just because he likes cars. If he was a "Car guy" he would at least be willing to own or have owned and work on a vintage car of some sort and know how it works intimately, even if its a rat rod. I know a bunch of so called "Car guys" that dont own a swivel head ratchet or torque wrench, much less the needed skills to use those "Special tools"..

If those guys with a 6 month old payment book want to have a club, thats cool & all but then why dont we just induct Justin Biber into the Rock & Roll hall of fame?

I aint hatin, I like those cars enough all right, I would love to have one to go to the store or work, but when a car show looks like the dealers lot, it may be time to find a new club. :shrug

You would have liked the show we went to yesterday. If you entered a car that was a 2006 or Newer,No trophy for you. Might have even gone further back than 2006. I just heard 2012 and someone with an 06 SRT 300 bitching about just getting a dash plac and no chance for a win. Guy got told by the promoter "My show,My Rules".
I like car clubs where you can FEEL the seats. :roll They feel just like.....
"Coupe" said:
..... If he was a "Car guy" he would at least be willing to own or have owned and work on a vintage car of some sort and know how it works intimately, even if its a rat rod. ...

Hey now... Choose your words wisely my friend.
"70_Fastback" said:
Hey now... Choose your words wisely my friend.


"Coupe" said:
I just cannot call a guy with a late model Mustang (even a FOX),Camaro,Scion or Prius a "Car guy" just because he likes cars. If he was a "Car guy" he would at least be willing to own or have owned and work on a vintage car of some sort and know how it works intimately, even if its a rat rod. I know a bunch of so called "Car guys" that dont own a swivel head ratchet or torque wrench, much less the needed skills to use those "Special tools"..

Car clubs seem to be over rated. The one I'm in, has gone to crap. When I first joined a couple of years ago, it wasn't all that bad. Folks got together weekly. We all hung out and blabbed about everything.. from cars to weather. These days... nothing but a bunch of whiners. No one does anything anymore.

There's a little clique among the club and they'll go do things together, but won't inform anyone else of the activity. Then they bitch at the monthly meetings how we don't do anything as a club anymore. :wtf The only thing we do as a club, is put on an annual car show. It's all about who has the biggest baddest motor and who can put out the most HP. And the main one who keeps saying 'you don't need a car to show up' is the one who doesn't show up because his yellow camaro has been garaged for the past year getting a bigger motor with more HP.

Me and the couple of others who do show up to weekly meets and do things together, will not be paying our member dues next year.

So, anyway..... clubs are over rated. :part
I was in one a while back. Between the political bs and a few run ins with the law, I left. We would have our regular get togethers, which was fun for a while, then the politics started to grow tiresome. The last time I met with them was for a meeting down in Alabama. Showed up, shot the bs as usual, then people started racing. I was on my way out when the cops showed up. Managed to slip away, and drove my ass back to Memphis.