Well-Known Member
Drum brakes do work, as Pete said they do get hot when used hard and a lot and that will lead to fade but under normal use you should be able to lock up all four when panic stopping. Drag racers in the 60's used to take the disc brakes off and use drums because they have less drag on the drum than pads on a rotor but trust me, you can only stop from high speed once, then they need to cool off before you try it again!
The shoes need to be adjusted so that they are close to the drum. The self adjuster works when you brake in reverse. They rust and maybe haven't been adjusted properly to start with. Also the single master cylinder doesn't have any safety factor, you may want to upgrade to a 67 or later dual bowl MC. Non-power brakes do take more effort but shouldn't go to the floor.
The shoes need to be adjusted so that they are close to the drum. The self adjuster works when you brake in reverse. They rust and maybe haven't been adjusted properly to start with. Also the single master cylinder doesn't have any safety factor, you may want to upgrade to a 67 or later dual bowl MC. Non-power brakes do take more effort but shouldn't go to the floor.