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There should be some of these for the smokers and they should be by the front door of restaurants.

Walking out the front door of a restaurant with my family into a cloud of smoke pisses me off and I often say something about it to the smoker, it pretty much ruins the meal for me.

"Opentracker" said:
There should be some of these for the smokers and they should be by the front door of restaurants.

Walking out the front door of a restaurant with my family into a cloud of smoke pisses me off and I often say something about it to the smoker, it pretty much ruins the meal for me.

Absolutely. How dare those nasty smokers stand outside in the rain, heat or cold to smoke. Oh wait, they have to stand out there. They no longer have the right to be INSIDE and smoke. I'm sure it does nothing for ruining their meal. After all, this country is built on the belief only some of it's citizens have rights, not all of them.
Sorry, I have the right to not have to breathe anyone's secondhand smoke. Smoking is their choice, breathing clean air is mine.
"Ponyman66" said:
"Opentracker" said:
There should be some of these for the smokers and they should be by the front door of restaurants.

Walking out the front door of a restaurant with my family into a cloud of smoke pisses me off and I often say something about it to the smoker, it pretty much ruins the meal for me.

Absolutely. How dare those nasty smokers stand outside in the rain, heat or cold to smoke. Oh wait, they have to stand out there. They no longer have the right to be INSIDE and smoke. I'm sure it does nothing for ruining their meal. After all, this country is built on the belief only some of it's citizens have rights, not all of them.

A short walk to sit in the car they drove up in would work fine. Warm, dry and a comfortable seat.
I've never understood "smoking". It's nasty smelling, makes you cough, stains your teeth, gives you shit breath and costs have gone through the roof.

That said, it's still legal. My only beef is like Laurie's, I don't want your right to smoke infringing on my "clean" air.

and NO Craig, I'm not talking about wacky weed.
"Laurie S." said:
Sorry, I have the right to not have to breathe anyone's secondhand smoke. Smoking is their choice, breathing clean air is mine.
And I would love to choose not to have to breathe air that has passed through the mouth of someone with severe halitosis. Or not to share the same dining room with someone who chooses not to bathe often enough. Or maybe it's too much to ask that I don't have to deal with someone else's screaming brats while I try to digest a meal. I also can't stand loud talkers. We should monitor the noise levels at every dining table and boot out people who talk too loud. Hurts my ears.

Face it. Smokers have been singled out unfairly. I haven't smoked in a LONG time and find it nasty and smelly too but that doesn't give me the right to take away theirs. If a person chooses to operate a bar or restaurant they and their patrons should have the right to allow or participate in the smoking habit if they so choose. Period. If another doesn't like it...go somewhere else. I find it complete BS that local governments are able to take away people's individual rights as they have. Let establishments make their own call. You would have plenty of non-smoking places around. Likely most of them. Me...I would LOVE to be able to open a smoker friendly restaurant/bar in the city of Chicago. I would be a millionaire in no time.
Apples and oranges. Halitosis, body odor, and screaming brats will not kill you or make you seriously ill. Second hand smoke can and has.

And, for the record, I hate screaming brats.
"Horseplay" said:
"Laurie S." said:
Sorry, I have the right to not have to breathe anyone's secondhand smoke. Smoking is their choice, breathing clean air is mine.
And I would love to choose not to have to breathe air that has passed through the mouth of someone with severe halitosis. Or not to share the same dining room with someone who chooses not to bathe often enough. Or maybe it's too much to ask that I don't have to deal with someone else's screaming brats while I try to digest a meal. I also can't stand loud talkers. We should monitor the noise levels at every dining table and boot out people who talk too loud. Hurts my ears.

Face it. Smokers have been singled out unfairly. I haven't smoked in a LONG time and find it nasty and smelly too but that doesn't give me the right to take away theirs. If a person chooses to operate a bar or restaurant they and their patrons should have the right to allow or participate in the smoking habit if they so choose. Period. If another doesn't like it...go somewhere else. I find it complete BS that local governments are able to take away people's individual rights as they have. Let establishments make their own call. You would have plenty of non-smoking places around. Likely most of them. Me...I would LOVE to be able to open a smoker friendly restaurant/bar in the city of Chicago. I would be a millionaire in no time.

HOORAY! Someone that finally gets it! :thum The anti-smokers think their rights are the only ones that exist. Another case of a vocal minority getting things their way, and the standard in the modern political climate in this country. What started as compromise laws to try to recognize the rights on both sides of the fence didn't last long. It became an all or nothing on the part of the vocal minority. Locally we've recently had two municipalities which have passed anti-smoking ordinances, one which banned smoking while walking down public sidewalks in a defined area of the city; and another municipality which banned smoking (among other places), while attending a parade! Sheesh! Where will it stop?!!

Remember this, the day will come when some "other" vocal minority claims you are violating their rights with something you like or do, and then they have it legislated away. Oh wait, they've been trying that for years now...and have come close to succeeding numerous times (just like initial anti-smoking legislation)! So all of you that claim, "I have the right to breath clean air" as part of your anti-smoking mantra, well by god you sure do! So step right up and join the line of the tree huggers that have been trying to legislate away our old beloved cars (Mustangs included), under the claims of unacceptable and high CO2 and HC emissions affecting air quality. Just remember to bring along your car title and your keys, they'll want those at the crusher. Not the same thing? Oh really?! Before you go stepping on the rights of someone else, better stop and think. It seems that compromise is no longer in our lexicon, it's me, me, me.

"Laurie S." said:
Apples and oranges. Halitosis, body odor, and screaming brats will not kill you or make you seriously ill. Second hand smoke can and has.

Sorry to single you out Laurie but, second hand smoke does and has killed?! It CAN make you seriously ill? Sorry dear, I call BULLSHIT! Please show me or direct me to a reputable source to quantify this claim. What you will find is plenty of anti-smoking rhetoric which claims this, but no valid and reputable research to support it.

"silverblueBP" said:
I've never understood "smoking". It's nasty smelling, makes you cough, stains your teeth, gives you shit breath and costs have gone through the roof.

Really? "MAKES" you cough? There's a new one! Nasty smelling, stains your teeth and gives you shit breath? Sure, if you don't shower, refuse to brush your teeth and have no oral hygiene. Farting smells nasty too. I think it should be illegal for anyone to do that around me.

And not to forget,
"Opentracker" said:
A short walk to sit in the car they drove up in would work fine. Warm, dry and a comfortable seat.
Here's an alternate suggestion. Walk in to a restaurant, order, return to the car and eat it there. Warm, dry and comfortable seating, yet NO smokers to walk through on the way out anymore! Sounds pretty ludicrous when you look at it from a different perspective doesn't it?!

Ya know guys I'm really sorry I see so much anti-smoking rhetoric being regurgitated. The large majority of which is totally baseless, inaccurate or half truths, but fed to the public until it becomes true and factual. It's accepted because it's the "popular" and politically correct thing to do, both of which have nothing to do with the RIGHT thing to do. Thirty years ago not one of you would have given a second thought about someone else smoking. If you say you did, you're either lying or were part of an EXTREMELY small group. Why? Because it was common and an accepted thing. Now it's the big taboo! Yeah well, women showing their ankles or someone saying the word "damn" on TV were once considered taboo too. Welcome now, you are hereby granted acceptance into the fraternity of sheeple!

It's a shame that we've come to a point in this country where compromising so each side can have some of their rights still intact no longer exists. I served over 15 years in the military and have been in public service for another 15 to defend and protect those rights....ALL OF THEM! Many folks have made the ultimate sacrifice for the same thing. It greatly pains me when I see one group trying to bulldoze over the rights of another instead of compromising so each can have something. When the balance of rights swings to one side or the other, it' no longer BALANCE! Please think deeply about that next time you want to say "well it's my right to....."

p.s. There are very few I have passionate opinions about. Can you guess what one of them is? LOL
"Ponyman66" said:
"silverblueBP" said:
I've never understood "smoking". It's nasty smelling, makes you cough, stains your teeth, gives you shit breath and costs have gone through the roof.

Really? "MAKES" you cough? There's a new one! Nasty smelling, stains your teeth and gives you shit breath? Sure, if you don't shower, refuse to brush your teeth and have no oral hygiene. Farting smells nasty too. I think it should be illegal for anyone to do that around me.

Every smoker I've been around/known has coughing fits. Are you telling me you've NEVER seen that?

Don't get me wrong, it's a legal substance and you have every right to exercise it. The creeping laws that whittle away at smoking are no diff than gun laws, etc...that do the same. It's all about control by the politburo.
I make it a rule to stay our of these types of discussion, but Aren't the smoking laws really about the people who have to work in the restaurants and bars. They are forced to inhale everyone's smoke all day. So are they supposed to quit their jobs to avoid it? Or do we just say they chose that profession so its to bad.

I used to smoke and quit when I met my wife. It disgusted her. Even when I was a smoker I couldn't stand smelling it while I was eating, and hate it even more now.