Hell Bent for Speed
"daveSanborn" said:On your coilovers..... understand that the threaded collar (that compresses the spring) is not designed to establish ride height. Cranking that lower collar "upwards" on the strut's cartridge WILL alter ride height, but technically the collar should only be cranked down enough to slightly compress the coil spring. The more you tighten that collar/compress the coil spring, the greater chance you run of suffereing a strut failure.... the strut cartridge piston will violently rip out of the strut cartridge. Been there, done that, learned the hard way.
And to clarify - I am not establishing the ride height by spring compression. That lower mount threads upward and downard on the threaded shaft portion that is why there is two jamb nuts. That threaded shaft is currently bottomed out inside of the lower mounting arm. This is why I am doing a mono-point mount on the axle tube. There is a good 3+" of adjustment in there. Does that make sense?
And the shock mount will (somehow) be a fully boxed piece. The lower shock mount accepts a piece of 2"x4" rec tubing in between the bracket very nicely. So I will start with a piece of that as a baseline. It will be drilled through both sides to receive a common bolt while the shock mount will straddle that and be bolted to the mount from the outsides. I just need to design the bracket now.
I may also alter the bottom mount on the shock as well. I would like to redrill the mounting hole updard about 2" and cut of the excess material.