My gears have about locked up due to the grinding of the past few years! I get so freakin' wound up when I have to go to wally world and see the idiots on welfare that use a "wick" card to buy $$$$$ in groceries when I have to work for what I have and then pay for what they have. I cannot stand to see the morbidly obese that have to ride in a friggin' electric cart so they won't burn any calories or "walk it off at all". I am ususally mumbling under my breath about the "welfare garbage with 6 kids" and my wife is poking me in the ribs to shut up. I can easily start a riot in wall mart anytime. I mean, I turn to the person behind me and say something like...I wish I could get a wick card or welfare entitlements so I could buy better stuff and they usually start grumbling too and it spreads on down the I no longer ask nicely for the "entitlement" person to please let me by in the isle...I just run over their foot or put a nice bruise on their fat ass with my cart and they get the pic pretty quickly and I am usually packing when I got so just start some shart with me. I frankly just don't give a damn anymore about the idiots out there! Just come up to me in a parking lot and ask for a little assistance by the way of a couple of dollars to get gas and I just start screaming at the :fbomb . I don't think we are far from one hell of a revolution in this nation and I mean violence to the extreme. I almost welcome it at this point. Thomas Jefferson had so much to say about what will or could happen to this nation if we didn't stay the course of liberty. :cry